Saturday Mar 1, 2025
Any day in March
Any time in March
Where: Your place
Host: You
You choose the donation amount.
Send checks to: Claremont Meals on Wheels, PO Box 1826, Claremont CA 91711 - please indicate this if for the Party Parade event.
OR USE THE QR CODE, see below
Rhonda Prout 951.675.9220
Send Email
This one's easy, perhaps you'd love to stay home for a change, curl up with a good book, eat some ice cream straight from the carton, play games with your grandchild, watch your favorite movie, listen to some soothing tunes and/or go to bed early. Oh yes? You can do any of these things right after you forward your Party Parade donation to Claremont Meals on Wheels. Knowing that your contribution is helping your community feels good, doesn't it?
To make a donation: click here
You can write a check made payable to: Claremont Meals on Wheels and mail to: PO Box 1826, Claremont CA 91711 *please indicate on your check this if for the Party Parade event.